About Leprosy

New leprosy cases are diagnosed annually in Nepal.

districts in Nepal have high leprosy prevalence rates (1 case per 10,000 of population)


Leprosy is curable
Anandaban Hospital
Anandaban Hospital , a center of excellence for leprosy referral hospital in Nepal. Our work is broad and far-reaching with interventions also focusing in the areas of health and capacity building, education, disability inclusive sustainable community development, advocacy and research working towards equity and inclusion of people affected by leprosy and disability in the development process.
Featured Research
RIGHT Project
RIGHT RIGHT is an inter country (Nepal, India and Nigeria) research project aiming to transform the treatment and prevention of leprosy and Buruli Ulcers (BU). The research project aims to:• Improve self care in the community for patients who are at risk of recurring...
All Research Projects
Community Projects
TLMN community projects work mainly on a self-help group model, where people affected by leprosy, other disabilities and from other marginalized groups are encouraged to meet together on a regular basis, discuss their issues and support each other. These groups are provided with training on group management, income generation, leadership, rights and more. As well as starting micro-enterprises groups are also encouraged to undertake small projects with local communities, seeking to change attitudes and develop a normal level of participation in society.