Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DiDRR)

After the earthquake in 2015, TLMN acknowledged the importance of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) plans and policies and the need for building individual and institutional capacity. We developed a Hospital Disaster Preparedness Plan and trained our staff in fire safety and first aid. Further, TLMN also trained around 10,000 people throughout Nepal who are now ready to confront unforeseen disaster situations. 415 Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHVs) were trained in 7 districts raising awareness on injury and trauma management at the local level.

Post 2015 earthquake, additional needs of community-based earthquake resilient shelters, disaster risk reduction and WASH projects were identified. TLMN supported:

  • 250 people with skill based training and seed money to regenerate their livelihoods
  • 200 people with cash grants for shelter support
  • 1570 households with cash and shelter material package
  • 386 people with psychosocial supportĀ 

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