Green Pastures Hospital & Rehabilitation Centre

We are working in partnership with International Nepal Fellowship (INF)link to support leprosy work in Green Pastures Hospital, Pokhara, and equipping INF and Government capacity in province 5 in Banke and Karnali province in Surkhet.

INF Green Pastures Hospital (GPH) has been working in the area of leprosy for the past 60 years. GPH is committed to reduce leprosy transmission and disability burden through early case detection and treatment, improve access to timely and complete treatment including complication and reaction management, and reduce stigma and discrimination due to leprosy. Therefore, TLMN’s support to this GPH through this project is a continued effort to reduce further the burden of leprosy and to break the transmission of leprosy by providing quality services to leprosy endemic communities.

The project aims to provide (inpatient) services that include the treatment of reaction, neuritis and the other serious complications of leprosy. Some of the treatment includes various kinds of surgery for complicated ulcers, nerve decompression, etc., and reconstructive surgery to correct deformity, and restore lost function to hands and feet.


Green Pastures Hospital & Rehabilitation Centre

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