Training and Technical Support Center
TLMN’s Training and Technical Support Center, equipped with a residential training facility located in the hospital premise, provides extensive leprosy and other NTD trainings and build capacity of people from wide range of work including GoN health staffs, national and international medical students, doctors, community level volunteers. The center transfers knowledge and skills to improve early leprosy case detection and management of leprosy complication as well as disability. TLMN supports the GoN’s national leprosy elimination programme through leprosy case validation and joint supervision and monitoring of leprosy programme.
- 204 participants were trained in Leprosy at Anandaban Hospital
- 234 participants were trained in Leprosy at community level
- 894 participants were provided with Leprosy orientation at Anandaban Hospital
- 27 participants were provided with field based Leprosy orientation.
TLMN has continued to increase its roster of training capacity through the years. We have resources to provide training in the following areas:
- Community level Injury and Trauma Management
- Disability Management
- Peer Support
- Dermatology
- Research
Anandaban Hospital as well as field based training
Anandaban Hospital as well as field based training
Anandaban Hospital as well as field based training
Anandaban Hospital as well as field based training
Anandaban Hospital as well as field based training
Anandaban Hospital as well as field based training
Anandaban Hospital as well as field based training
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