FOUND Project

Fueling Opportunities to end Unemployment for Nepalis with Disabilities (FOUND) project aims to make a substantial contribution to reducing the disability employment gap in Nepal by bringing the following changes:

  • Increasing employers’ understanding of disability
  • Partnering with FNCCI and NFDN, we will engage private sector employers in radical and exciting ways to become more confident in employing and retaining people with disability
  • Increase understanding of disability, using Article 27 of UNCRPD, the Disability Rights Act 2017 and the benefits of employing or retaining people with disability
  • Develop a Disability Confident
  • Employers Scheme which will support employers to create more employment, apprenticeship and internship opportunities for people with disability and motivate them to make workplaces accessible
  • Increase skills, understanding and personal attributes of people with disability to be more able to gain employment and succeed in chosen occupations.

FOUND Projects will be implemented in 5 districts – Morang, Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Rupandehi and Kapilvastu with 3 cluster offices at Biratnagar, Butwal and Lalitpur.

What we want to achieve?

  • Employers’ increased understanding of disability
  • Increased skills and understandings of people with disability to gain employment and succeed in chosen occupations
  • Entry and retention of people with disability into formal or self-employment
  • Generate Robust evidence of what works in supporting people with disability to enter and thrive in formal and self-employment in Nepal

Provide your Complaint and Feedback

  1. TOLL Free number: 1660-010-8000
  2. Online medium Click Here 
  3. Print the .pdf version to drop the written complaint and feedback in the FOUND offices or call in the mobile numbers to directly reach the cluster staffs Click Here

द लेप्रोशी मिशन नेपाल, राष्ट्रिय अपाङ्ग महासंघ नेपाल र नेपाल चेम्बर्स अफ कमर्सको साझेदारीमा सन्चालित् यस फाउण्ड (FOUND) परियोजनाका विषयमा तपाईँलाई कुनै किसिमको सल्लाह, सुझाव र उजुरी दिनु परेमा सोझै यस परियोजनाको अनुगमन शाखाको टोल फ्रि फोन नं १६६०-०१०-८००० मा सम्पर्क गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ।

फाउण्ड (FOUND) परियोजनाको कार्यालयमा रहेको सुझाव पेटिकाद्वारा सल्लाह, सुझाव र उजुरी दनु परेमा यो फाराम प्रयोग गर्नुहोस्ः यहाँ थिच्नुहोस्


परियोजनाका बारेमा अन्य जानकारीका लागी

ललितपुर क्लस्टर  : ०१-५५५०१५९

बिराटनगर क्लस्टर : ०२१-४६०३२१

बुटवल क्लस्टर : ०७१-५४३३२४

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Engage private sector employers, disability confident employer scheme, employment shops, job coaching


Engage private sector employers, disability confident employer scheme, employment shops, job coaching


Engage private sector employers, disability confident employer scheme, employment shops, job coaching


Engage private sector employers, disability confident employer scheme, employment shops, job coaching


Engage private sector employers, disability confident employer scheme, employment shops, job coaching

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