नौलो बिहानी

New Beginnings

Dear TLMN readers,

As we stand at the threshold of the dawn of a new chapter of The Leprosy Mission Nepal, venturing into integration, our services expanding beyond leprosy and our efforts in the community beyond defeating leprosy and toward Transforming lives, it is essential to acknowledge the power and potential that lies within these fresh starts. In this and future editions of our newsletter, we delve into the theme of new beginnings, exploring the transformative nature of change and the possibilities that arise when we embrace them wholeheartedly.

One of the fundamental aspects of embracing new beginnings is shedding the fear of the unknown. Often, the fear of venturing into uncharted territory holds us back from taking the first step. Yet, it is precisely within these unexplored realms that we find the opportunity for self-discovery and personal development. Embracing change requires courage, but it also rewards us with unforeseen possibilities and the chance to create a life that aligns with our true passions and aspirations.

New beginnings are not solely limited to individual transformations; they extend to communities and societies as well. We have witnessed the power of collective change in recent times, where movements for social justice and environmental sustainability have sparked a wave of global transformation. By embracing new beginnings collectively, we have the ability to create a better, more inclusive world, fostering positive change and shaping a future that is brighter for all.

As we navigate the uncharted waters of new beginnings, it is important to support and uplift one another. Let us cultivate an environment that encourages exploration, provides a safety net for taking risks, and celebrates the resilience required to embark on fresh endeavors. Together, we can create a community that thrives on the power of new beginnings and fosters an atmosphere of growth and empowerment.

In this edition, we bring you stories of individuals from our client base, who have embraced new beginnings, triumphing over adversity and achieving remarkable feats. Their stories serve as a testament to the human spirit and remind us that with determination and a willingness to adapt, we can overcome any obstacle and create a future filled with possibilities.

As seasons transition seamlessly, so do the phases of our lives. Whether it’s starting a new job, moving to a different city, or embarking on a personal endeavor, each new beginning brings with it a chance to redefine ourselves, to discover untapped talents, and to learn and grow.


We hope that the stories we tell through this newsletter inspires you to work towards transforming yourselves and further reflecting this positivity to your communities with the transformative power of new beginnings.

*The development of this editorial was led by Dr. Jemish Acharya, Head of Programs and Learning.


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