The Leprosy Mission Nepal at NNN 2023
The 2023 Annual NNN Conference was organized from the 19th to the 23rd of September, 2023, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. This year, The Leprosy Mission Nepal (TLMN) was heavily involved in the planning and execution of the conference itself, led by our Head of Programs and Learning, Dr. Jemish Acharya, who also took on the mantle of the NNN Vice-Chair. She was supported in her role by Mr. Subin Adhikari, Programs Communication Officer, and the NNN Communications Vice-Chair. A 10-member team travelled to the NNN Conference in Tanzania, to present, network, and be a part of the movement to end NTDs.
Honoring the contributions of late Dr Mwelecele Ntuli Malecela
Dr. Jemish Acharya and Mr. Subin Adhikari joined the NNN steering committee for a morning visit to the house of late Dr Mwelecele Ntuli Malecela to honor her contribution and to invite Mr. John Malecela, former Prime Minister and first Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania, and Dr. Mwele Mwacele’s father to the NNN Conference.

Inaugural Regional Meeting for Africa
The Leprosy Mission Nepal was also represented in the Inaugural Regional Meeting for Africa for the NNN. Co-hosted by Dr. Jemish Acharya and Mr. Subin Adhikari, the meeting showed new ways to bolster regional collaboration and initiated conversation on how organizations like TLMN can partner with regional organizations to bolster our initiatives

Plenaries, Panelists, and Presentations
TLMN was also represented in the opening and closing plenaries of the NNN through our Head of Programs and Learning, Dr. Jemish Acharya.
Dr. Suwash Baral, Consultant Dermapathologist, joined a 4-member panel discussion on “Demand Generation: The Role of Youths to create a movement to end NTDs” to discuss on how best to incorporate youth voices in NTDs. The discussion talked about how there is not enough interest within the younger generation to join the fight against NTDs. Dr. Baral’s discussion was drawn from his personal experience as one of the two one of the two dermatopathologist in Nepal and how he found himself in the field of Leprosy.
Dr. Indra Napit, Principal Investigator- RIGHT Project, presented a rapidfire on Revolutionizing existing practices of care for NTDs. His presentation focused on transforming the treatment and prevention of Leprosy and Buruli Ulcers in LMICs. The presentation was created on the ground work done by the RIGHT Initiative. Learn more about the initiative here.
Mr. Aashish Rai, Communication Officer, Found Project, presented a video on Comprehensive Rehabilitation, approach to rehabilitate persons affected by leprosy and persons with disability sustainably. The video highlighted some of Found’s best practices, impacts and achievements while putting a focus on comprehensive rehabilitation and how it could be used across different NTDs.

Meetings, Discourses, and More
While some of our colleagues were on-stage, others focused more on off-stage activities. Over the three day conference, we were engaged in side-meetings, conversations, and discourses with friends and partners to better strengthen the initiatives of the Leprosy Mission Nepal and to also introduce new ideas to achieve our shared vision: Leprosy Defeated, Lives Transformed.
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