Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DiDRR) After the earthquake in 2015, TLMN acknowledged the importance of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) plans and policies and the need for building individual and institutional capacity. We developed a Hospital Disaster...


Gender Equality and Social Inclusion We recognize that leprosy affects women, men, girls and boys in different ways. For example women are under diagnosed compared to men. We are committed to investigating, understanding and responding to the gender dynamics and to...


Safeguarding Safeguarding is the responsibility of every organization to make sure their staff, operations, and programmes do no harm to children and adults at-risk nor expose them to abuse or exploitation. It is necessary to think about how we safeguard everyone in...
FOUND Project

FOUND Project

FOUND Project Fueling Opportunities to end Unemployment for Nepalis with Disabilities (FOUND) project aims to make a substantial contribution to reducing the disability employment gap in Nepal by bringing the following changes: Increasing employers’ understanding of...
IDEA Nepal

IDEA Nepal

IDEA Nepal TLMN works with IDEA Nepal, a leprosy people’s organization, in building their capacity to advocate for their rights. The Capacity Building of IDEA Nepal project aims to • Capacitate IDEA Nepal office and staff • Train and equip human resources at IDEA...


RECLAIM TLMN works in partnership with Nepal Leprosy Fellowship (NLF) in the Eastern region of Nepal to empower people affected by leprosy and disability, improve their wellbeing and quality of life as well as end discrimination. The project will: Position 10 SHGs as...